Welcome to Faith Lutheran Church
1364 Washington St.
Andover, Iowa 52701
1364 Washington St.
Andover, Iowa 52701
We are a welcoming people of God striving to reflect Jesus Christ's love, grace, and are open to the work of the Holy Spirit.
Join us on Sunday mornings!
Sunday School at 8:45 a.m. (Sept.-April)
Worship at 10:00 a.m.
The beginning of Faith Lutheran Church started in 1946, when adults and teenagers participated in Sunday School. Due to the absence of a church building, Sunday School was held at the old depot, old city hall fire station, dance hall and a home. Faith Lutheran Church grew out of the prayers and concerns of devoted people who believed a
The beginning of Faith Lutheran Church started in 1946, when adults and teenagers participated in Sunday School. Due to the absence of a church building, Sunday School was held at the old depot, old city hall fire station, dance hall and a home. Faith Lutheran Church grew out of the prayers and concerns of devoted people who believed a church was a necessary part of the community. On December 20, 1949, 13 people representing nine families, met at a home to consider organization. This home was renovated and became a place of fellowship and living quarters for the minister.
In April 1951, ground was broken to build the church structure on 3 1/2 acres of land on the edge of town. The dedication of the new church was held on September 14, 1952. Through the years, many improvements and changes to the building have been made possible because of the committment and generosity of the disciples of Faith.
“Praise and thanks be to God for His grace and His presence in all our past, present, and future endeavors.”
At Faith Lutheran Church, we believe that we are freed by God’s unconditional love in Jesus Christ that is freely given to all of creation. You are unconditionally loved by God, so am I, and so is everyone else, and in this amazing love there is freedom! All of our other beliefs and values as a Church body comes from this understanding of God and the world God has made.
Sunday School is held on Sunday mornings September -May at
8:45 a.m. for children 3 years of age through 6th grade.
S.T.U.F.F (Sunday Teens Under Faith Formation) is held for confirmation and high school students on Sunday morning at
8:45 a.m.
Women of the church who meet monthly for Sharing/Caring Circle, participate in many community service projects, and sew quilts September though April.
Inter-generational mission trips are held each year. Every other year, our group travels to an area of the country that is in need. The opposite years, a mini-mission trip is held at Camp EWALU.
Held every second Sunday of November. We serve ham and Kalmes' Chicken, carrots, mashed potatoes, salads and desserts.
We value compassion, kindness, and acceptance. We believe in treating others with respect and dignity, regardless of their beliefs or backgrounds.
Non-perishable food items are collected and distribute to Elvira and Preston food pantries a few times a year.
The Stewardship Committee leads our members in planting and tending to our garden. Produce is available for members, the community, and is also taken to the homebound and The Victory Center.
Faith Lutheran offers you the option to make a donation to our congregation and the ministries we support online!
Jamie Luckritz
Megan Peters
Deana Jacobs
Julie Peters
Julie Swanson
If you are interested in our monthly newsletter being emailed to you, please sign-up below.
We love to have visitors, so feel free to worship with us on Sunday mornings!
1364 Washington Street, Andover, Iowa 52701, United States
Monday - Thursday: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Sunday: Worship at 10 a.m.